Controversial IV Go App Faces Ban Over Violation of Pokemon Go Terms and Conditions


IV GO app ban: Niantic has banned Pokemon Go's third-party IV checking app. Players caught using it risk account suspension or termination.

The popular mobile application, IV Go, has recently been banned in several countries, leaving avid users in dismay. The app, which allowed players to track and locate Pokemon creatures in the augmented reality game, Pokemon Go, has been deemed illegal due to its violation of the game's terms and conditions.

Many players have expressed their disappointment and frustration over the ban. Some have even taken to social media to voice out their opinions and plead for the app to be reinstated. However, despite the protests, authorities have remained firm on their decision to ban IV Go.

The controversy surrounding IV Go began when it was discovered that the app violated the terms and conditions of Pokemon Go. Specifically, it allowed players to access features and data that were not supposed to be accessible to the public. This gave IV Go users an unfair advantage over other players, leading to a significant imbalance in the game.

Moreover, the use of IV Go also posed a security threat, as it required users to log in with their Pokemon Go accounts. This meant that the app had access to sensitive user information, such as login details and personal data.

Despite the risks and violations, many players continued to use IV Go, citing its convenience and efficiency as reasons for doing so. However, the ban has now forced them to find other ways to play the game, which has proven to be a challenge for many.

Some alternatives to IV Go include other tracking apps and websites, such as PokeVision and FastPokeMap. However, these options come with their own set of risks and limitations, making it difficult for players to find a suitable replacement for IV Go.

While the ban on IV Go may seem harsh to some, it is important to remember that the safety and fairness of the game should always be prioritized. By using unauthorized third-party apps, players not only risk their own security but also compromise the integrity of the game.

Furthermore, the ban serves as a reminder that players should abide by the terms and conditions set by game developers. These rules are in place to ensure that the game remains fair and enjoyable for everyone.

In conclusion, the IV Go app ban has caused a stir among Pokemon Go players worldwide. While many are disappointed at the loss of their favorite tracking app, it is important to prioritize the safety and fairness of the game. With other alternatives available, players can still enjoy the game without compromising their security or violating the game's terms and conditions.


IV Go, an app for Pokemon Go players, was recently banned by the game's developer, Niantic. The app allowed users to calculate their Pokemon's individual values, or IVs, which are important in determining a Pokemon's strength and potential. The ban has caused controversy among the Pokemon Go community, with some players supporting the decision while others are outraged.

What are IVs?

IVs, or individual values, are hidden stats that determine a Pokemon's strength and potential. They range from 0 to 31 for each stat – attack, defense, and stamina – and can be determined by using specific formulas. A Pokemon with higher IVs will have higher CP and be stronger in battles.

The use of IV Go

IV Go was an app that allowed users to calculate their Pokemon's IVs quickly and easily. It could scan a player's Pokemon collection and provide information on each Pokemon's IVs, as well as recommend which Pokemon to keep and which to transfer. The app was popular among Pokemon Go players who wanted to optimize their collection and become more competitive in battles.

The reason for the ban

Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go, has been cracking down on third-party apps and services that violate the game's terms of service. IV Go was one such app, as it used unauthorized access to the game's servers to provide its services. Niantic sees these apps as cheating and unfair to other players, and has been banning them as they are discovered.

The controversy

The ban of IV Go has caused controversy among the Pokemon Go community. Some players support the decision, saying that the app gave an unfair advantage to those who used it. Others are outraged, saying that IV Go was simply a tool for optimizing gameplay and that Niantic should focus on fixing the game's many bugs and glitches instead of banning helpful apps.

The impact on players

The ban of IV Go has had a significant impact on Pokemon Go players who relied on the app. They must now find other ways to calculate their Pokemon's IVs, which can be time-consuming and frustrating. Some players have even quit the game altogether, feeling that the ban was unfair and unjustified.

The response from IV Go developers

The developers of IV Go have responded to the ban by releasing a statement on their website. They apologized to players for any inconvenience caused by the app's ban and said that they would work on developing a new version that complies with Niantic's terms of service. They also urged players to respect the game's rules and not use unauthorized third-party apps.

The future of IV Go

It is unclear what the future holds for IV Go and similar apps. Niantic has made it clear that it will continue to ban apps that violate its terms of service, but some players are still hopeful that a compromise can be reached. It is possible that IV Go's developers will release a new version that complies with Niantic's rules, or that another app will emerge to take its place.

The broader issue of third-party apps

The ban of IV Go is just one example of the ongoing issue of third-party apps and services in the world of gaming. Many games have strict rules against the use of such apps, but players continue to use them in order to gain an edge over their competitors. This has led to a cat-and-mouse game between game developers and app developers, with no clear resolution in sight.

The importance of fair play

Ultimately, the issue of third-party apps comes down to the importance of fair play in gaming. Players who use such apps may gain an advantage, but they also undermine the integrity of the game and make it less enjoyable for everyone else. It is up to both game developers and players to uphold the rules and ensure that everyone has a fair and enjoyable experience.


The ban of IV Go has caused controversy among the Pokemon Go community, highlighting the ongoing issue of third-party apps in gaming. While some players support the ban, others are outraged and feel that Niantic should focus on fixing the game's many bugs and glitches instead of banning helpful apps. Regardless of one's opinion, the importance of fair play in gaming cannot be overstated, and it is up to everyone involved to ensure that the rules are followed and the game is enjoyed by all.

The Rise of IV Go App and Its Impact on the Gaming Community

Pokemon Go, the popular augmented reality mobile game that took the world by storm in 2016, has continued to attract a large player base. The game involves capturing virtual creatures known as Pokemon and using them to battle other players. One key aspect of the game is a Pokemon's individual values (IVs), which determine its strength in battle. IVs are hidden values that can only be calculated through complex calculations or the use of third-party apps like IV Go.IV Go is a third-party app that allows players to check their Pokemon's IVs quickly and easily. It gained popularity among players who were looking for ways to maximize their Pokemon's stats and gain an advantage in battles. However, its popularity was short-lived due to the controversy surrounding its use.

The Controversial Issue of IV Go App and Its Alleged Violation of Niantic's Terms of Service

Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go, has a strict policy against the use of third-party apps that provide an unfair advantage to players. This includes apps like IV Go that allow players to check their Pokemon's IVs quickly and easily. According to Niantic's terms of service, the use of such apps can result in a permanent ban from the game.Despite this, many players continued to use IV Go and other third-party apps to gain an advantage in the game. Niantic responded by banning players who were found to be using these apps, including IV Go. The ban had a significant impact on the gaming community, particularly those who relied on the app to maximize their Pokemon's stats.

The Legal Implications of Using Third-Party Apps like IV Go in Pokemon Go

The use of third-party apps like IV Go raises legal questions about intellectual property rights and the terms of service agreements that players agree to when they download and play the game. Niantic has the right to enforce its terms of service and ban players who violate them.Players who use third-party apps like IV Go run the risk of legal consequences, including being sued for copyright infringement or breach of contract. Additionally, using these apps can compromise the security of the player's device and personal information.

The Effect of IV Go App Ban on Players' Ability to Maximize Their Pokemon's Stats

The ban on IV Go and other third-party apps had a significant impact on players' ability to maximize their Pokemon's stats. Many players relied on these apps to quickly and easily calculate their Pokemon's IVs, which allowed them to make informed decisions about which Pokemon to use in battles. Without these apps, players had to resort to manual calculations or guesswork, which was time-consuming and less accurate.The ban also affected the competitive scene in Pokemon Go, as players who relied on IV Go and other third-party apps were at a disadvantage compared to those who did not use them. This raised questions about the fairness of the game and whether players who used these apps should be allowed to compete.

The Role of Niantic in Regulating the Use of Third-Party Apps in Pokemon Go

Niantic has a responsibility to regulate the use of third-party apps in Pokemon Go to ensure the integrity of the game and protect the interests of legitimate players. The company has implemented various measures to detect and ban players who use these apps, including updating its terms of service and using software to detect unauthorized access to its servers.Niantic's actions have been controversial, with some players arguing that the company is too strict in its enforcement of its terms of service. Others argue that Niantic needs to do more to prevent the use of third-party apps, as they can undermine the fairness of the game.

The Alternatives to IV Go App for Players Who Want to Check Their Pokemon's IVs

Players who want to check their Pokemon's IVs without using a third-party app like IV Go have several alternatives. One option is to use online calculators that allow players to input their Pokemon's stats and calculate their IVs. Another option is to use in-game tools such as the Appraisal feature, which provides hints about a Pokemon's IVs.While these alternatives may be less convenient than using IV Go, they are legitimate and do not violate Niantic's terms of service. Players who rely on these methods may not have the same level of accuracy or speed as those who use IV Go, but they can still make informed decisions about their Pokemon's stats.

The Debate Over the Fairness of IV Go App and Its Impact on the Game's Competitive Scene

The use of IV Go and other third-party apps raises questions about the fairness of the game and its impact on the competitive scene. Some players argue that these apps provide an unfair advantage to those who use them, as they can quickly and easily identify the strongest Pokemon for battles.Others argue that the use of these apps is necessary to level the playing field, as some players may have more time or resources to dedicate to the game than others. Additionally, some argue that the use of these apps is simply part of the evolving nature of gaming, where players will always seek ways to gain an advantage over others.

The Future of Third-Party Apps in Pokemon Go and Their Relationship with Niantic

The future of third-party apps in Pokemon Go is uncertain. Niantic has made it clear that the use of these apps is not allowed and will result in a ban from the game. However, some players continue to use these apps despite the risks.It is possible that Niantic may take further action to prevent the use of third-party apps, such as implementing more sophisticated detection methods or taking legal action against those who violate its terms of service. Alternatively, the company may choose to work with third-party developers to create legitimate tools that do not violate its terms of service.

The Risks and Consequences of Using IV Go App and Other Third-Party Apps in Pokemon Go

Players who use IV Go and other third-party apps run the risk of being banned from the game and facing legal consequences for violating Niantic's terms of service. Additionally, using these apps can compromise the security of the player's device and personal information.Players who choose to use these apps should be aware of the risks and consequences and make an informed decision about whether the benefits outweigh the risks. They should also be prepared to accept the consequences if they are caught using these apps.

The Importance of Respecting Niantic's Terms of Service and Maintaining the Integrity of the Game

Respecting Niantic's terms of service is important for maintaining the integrity of the game and protecting the interests of legitimate players. The use of third-party apps like IV Go undermines the fairness of the game and gives some players an unfair advantage over others.Players who want to maximize their Pokemon's stats should do so using legitimate methods, such as online calculators or in-game tools. They should also respect Niantic's terms of service and the rules of the game, even if they disagree with them.In conclusion, the use of IV Go and other third-party apps in Pokemon Go raises important legal and ethical questions about the fairness of the game and the rights of players. While these apps may provide some players with an advantage, they also undermine the integrity of the game and can have serious consequences for those who use them. Players who want to maximize their Pokemon's stats should do so using legitimate methods and respect Niantic's terms of service.

The Ban on IV Go App: A Point of View

Pros of IV Go App Ban

1. Prevents cheating in the game - The IV Go app allowed players to easily calculate the Individual Values (IV) of their Pokemon, giving them an unfair advantage over other players who did not use the app.

2. Ensures fairness in gameplay - With the ban of IV Go app, all players will be on an equal playing field, since no one can access additional information that gives them an edge over others.

3. Promotes the use of official channels - The ban encourages players to rely on official channels provided by game developers for information and support, rather than third-party apps that could potentially damage the game's integrity.

Cons of IV Go App Ban

1. Inconvenience to players - Some players may have relied heavily on the IV Go app to manage their Pokemon, and the ban may cause them inconvenience and frustration.

2. Loss of trust in game developers - The ban on IV Go app may cause players to lose trust in game developers, as they may feel that the app ban is a move to limit their freedom and control over the game.

3. Decreased motivation to play - For some players, the IV Go app may have been a source of motivation to continue playing the game. The ban may lead to a decrease in motivation to play, as they may feel that the game has become too difficult or unfair without the app.

In conclusion, while the IV Go app ban may have its pros and cons, it is ultimately a move towards ensuring fairness and integrity in gameplay. While some players may be inconvenienced by the ban, it is important to remember that relying on third-party apps like IV Go can damage the game's integrity and create an unfair advantage for some players. Therefore, it is important to respect the decision of game developers in banning apps that could potentially harm the game.

The Ban on IV Go App: Why it Happened and What to Do Next

As many of you may have heard, the popular app IV Go has recently been banned by Niantic, the company behind the widely popular game Pokémon Go. This news has come as a shock to many players who have been using the app to help them catch and train their Pokémon more efficiently. In this article, we will discuss why the ban happened, the implications it has for players, and what steps you can take next.

Firstly, let's talk about why the app was banned. IV Go is an app that allows players to calculate the Individual Values (IVs) of their Pokémon. IVs are hidden attributes that determine a Pokémon's strength and overall potential. While IV Go did not directly interfere with the gameplay itself, it did violate Niantic's terms of service by accessing and modifying the game data. This is considered a form of cheating and goes against the fair play policy that Niantic has put in place.

While some players may argue that using IV Go was harmless and did not give them an unfair advantage over others, Niantic sees it differently. The company has been cracking down on third-party apps that violate its terms of service, and IV Go is just one of many that have been banned in recent months. Niantic's goal is to maintain a fair and level playing field for all players, and any app that threatens that will be banned.

So what does this mean for players who have been using IV Go? Unfortunately, it means that they will no longer be able to use the app to calculate their Pokémon's IVs. This may be a setback for some players who have become reliant on the app to optimize their Pokémon's stats. However, it's important to remember that IVs are just one aspect of the game, and there are other ways to improve your Pokémon's strength and potential.

One option for players who want to continue calculating their Pokémon's IVs is to use a different app or website that does not violate Niantic's terms of service. There are many reputable IV calculators available that are safe to use and will not get you banned. Some examples include Poke Genie, Calcy IV, and GoIV.

Another option is to take a more manual approach to calculating your Pokémon's IVs. This may involve using in-game tools such as the Appraisal feature to get a rough idea of your Pokémon's stats, and then using an online calculator to get a more accurate reading. While this method may be more time-consuming than using an app like IV Go, it is still a viable option for players who want to optimize their Pokémon's stats.

It's also important to remember that IVs are not the be-all and end-all of the game. While having high IVs can certainly give your Pokémon an edge, there are other factors that can contribute to a Pokémon's strength and potential. For example, moveset, type advantage, and overall strategy can all play a role in how effective your Pokémon is in battle.

So what's next for players who have been affected by the IV Go ban? The most important thing is to stay informed and up-to-date on any changes or updates that Niantic may make in the future. The company is constantly evolving and improving the game, and it's possible that they may introduce new features or tools that make it easier for players to optimize their Pokémon's stats.

In the meantime, it's important to continue playing the game fairly and following Niantic's terms of service. Cheating not only goes against the spirit of the game, but it also puts you at risk of being banned. By playing fairly and using the resources that are available to you, you can still enjoy the game and be successful in your Pokémon-catching endeavors.

In conclusion, while the IV Go ban may have come as a surprise to many players, it's important to remember that Niantic is committed to maintaining a fair and level playing field for all. By respecting the company's terms of service and using legitimate tools to optimize your Pokémon's stats, you can still enjoy the game and be successful in your endeavors.

People Also Ask About IV Go App Ban

What is IV Go App?

IV Go App is a mobile application that provides information on the individual values (IV) of Pokemon in the popular game, Pokemon Go. It helps users determine which Pokemon are worth keeping and which ones can be transferred to the professor for candy.

Why was IV Go App banned?

IV Go App was banned because it violates the terms of service of Pokemon Go. The use of third-party apps that access the game's servers is strictly prohibited and can result in a permanent ban from the game.

What happens if I use IV Go App?

If you use IV Go App, you risk getting banned from Pokemon Go permanently. This means you will lose access to your account and all progress made in the game.

Are there any alternatives to IV Go App?

Yes, there are many other apps available that provide similar information on Pokemon IVs. However, it is important to note that the use of these apps can still result in a ban if they violate the terms of service of the game.

How can I avoid getting banned from Pokemon Go?

The best way to avoid getting banned from Pokemon Go is to play the game without using any third-party apps or software. Stick to the official app and follow the rules set by the game developers. This will ensure that you can continue playing the game without fear of losing your progress.

What should I do if I have been banned from Pokemon Go?

If you have been banned from Pokemon Go, there is no way to appeal the decision or get your account back. You will need to create a new account and start over from scratch.

Remember, the use of third-party apps is not worth the risk of getting banned from the game. Play by the rules and enjoy the game as it was intended to be played.