Cream-Colored App Icons: Elevate Your Phone's Aesthetic


Cream colored app icons bring a touch of elegance and simplicity to your device, giving it a clean and classic look. Try them out today!

Cream colored app icons have become a popular trend in the modern era of technology. With the rise of smartphones and tablets, app developers have been keen on creating unique designs to capture the attention of users. The use of cream color has become a favorite among developers due to its calming effect and its ability to complement other colors. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the popularity of cream colored app icons and their impact on user experience.

Firstly, cream colored app icons are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The soft and gentle hue of cream creates a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it a popular choice for designers looking to create a minimalist look. Many users find cream colored app icons less distracting than bright and bold colors, which can be overwhelming and cause visual fatigue. The use of cream color allows users to focus on the content of the app, rather than being distracted by the icon itself.

Moreover, cream colored app icons are versatile and can be used in various design styles. Cream is a neutral color, and it blends well with other colors, making it an ideal choice for app developers who want to incorporate different colors into their design. The use of cream colored app icons also allows developers to focus on the functionality of the app rather than just its aesthetics. This ensures that the app is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly.

Another reason why cream colored app icons have become popular is their ability to evoke emotions. The color cream has a calming effect on the human mind, making it an excellent choice for apps that require a relaxed and peaceful environment. For example, meditation apps often use cream-colored icons to create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Similarly, health-related apps use cream-colored icons to create a sense of comfort and well-being.

Cream colored app icons are also known for their timeless appeal. Unlike bright and bold colors, which can quickly go out of style, cream-colored app icons have a classic look that never goes out of fashion. This makes them an ideal choice for apps that are meant to last for years or even decades. The use of cream color ensures that the app will not become outdated and irrelevant in a short period.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, cream colored app icons also have practical benefits. The use of cream color reduces battery consumption, as it requires less energy to display than brighter colors. This means that apps with cream-colored icons use less power and, therefore, extend the battery life of smartphones and tablets.

Furthermore, cream colored app icons are easy to recognize and distinguish from other icons on the screen. This is particularly important for users who have several apps installed on their devices. The use of cream color allows users to identify the app they need quickly, without having to read the name of each icon.

In conclusion, cream colored app icons have become a popular trend in the design world due to their versatility, aesthetic appeal, and practical benefits. They create a sense of elegance and sophistication, evoke emotions, have a timeless appeal, and are easy to recognize. Developers continue to use cream color in their designs due to its calming effect, ability to blend well with other colors, and ability to reduce battery consumption. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how cream colored app icons will continue to impact the user experience.

The Rise of Cream Colored App Icons

Over the past few years, we have seen a significant shift in the design of app icons. While bright and bold colors were once all the rage, a more muted color palette has emerged as a popular trend. One color, in particular, has been making waves in the design community: cream.

What is a Cream Colored App Icon?

A cream-colored app icon is a design that features a light beige or off-white color as the primary color. It often includes subtle gradients or shadows to add depth and dimension. The use of cream in app icon design is a departure from the bright and bold colors we have seen in the past, but it offers a more sophisticated and refined look.

Why are Cream Colored App Icons Popular?

There are several reasons why cream-colored app icons have become so popular in recent years. One is that they offer a sense of calm and serenity. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with notifications and stimuli, a more muted color palette can be a welcome respite. Additionally, cream-colored app icons tend to be more versatile and work well with a variety of different brand identities.

Examples of Cream Colored App Icons

Some of the most popular apps that feature cream-colored icons include Apple's Pages, Keynote, and Numbers, as well as LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Dropbox. Each of these icons uses a slightly different shade of cream, but all of them convey a sense of sophistication and refinement.

The Psychology of Cream in Design

The color cream is often associated with purity, innocence, and cleanliness. It is a calming color that can help create a sense of harmony and balance. In design, cream can be used to create a more elegant and refined look, as well as to add depth and dimension to a design.

Challenges of Using Cream in App Icon Design

One of the challenges of using cream in app icon design is finding the right shade. Cream can be a difficult color to get right, especially on different devices and backgrounds. Additionally, using too much cream can make an app icon look bland or uninteresting. It's important to strike the right balance between cream and other colors or design elements.

Cream Colored Icons in iOS 14

With the release of iOS 14, Apple introduced a new design language for app icons. The new icons feature a more minimalist and abstract design, with many apps opting for a cream-colored background. This shift towards cream-colored icons is reflective of the broader trend in app design towards muted color palettes and more sophisticated aesthetics.

The Future of Cream Colored App Icons

As the world becomes increasingly digital, we can expect to see more and more cream-colored app icons. The trend towards more muted color palettes and sophisticated design is likely to continue, and cream is the perfect color to help achieve this look. Whether you're designing an app icon for a new startup or rebranding an existing app, consider incorporating cream into your design for a more refined and elegant look.

In Conclusion

Cream-colored app icons are a popular trend that offers a more sophisticated and refined look than the bright and bold colors we have seen in the past. The use of cream in app icon design has been driven by a desire for calm and serenity, as well as its versatility and ability to work well with a variety of different brand identities. As the world becomes increasingly digital, we can expect to see more and more cream-colored app icons in the future.

Cream Colored App Icons: The Power of a Neutral ColorIn today's world, where we are constantly bombarded with bright and eye-catching visuals, a neutral color like cream may seem like an unlikely choice for app icons. However, the power of this understated color cannot be underestimated. Cream icons have the ability to stand out in a sea of bright colors, create a cohesive and elegant look, enhance accessibility, and evoke feelings of nostalgia. In this article, we will explore the psychology behind cream icons and how they can enhance your app collection.The Power of a Neutral Color: Why Cream Icons Stand Out in a Sea of Bright ColorsWhen it comes to app icons, there is a tendency to use bright and bold colors to catch the user's attention. However, this approach can backfire as too many bright colors can overwhelm the user and make it difficult to identify specific apps. This is where the power of a neutral color like cream comes in. Cream is a subtle and sophisticated color that can help your app stand out among the crowd.Cream icons have a unique advantage as they can complement a wide range of app designs and themes. They can also create a sense of harmony and balance, especially when paired with other neutral colors such as gray, black, or white. In a sea of bright and flashy app icons, cream icons can help your app stand out without overwhelming the user.Cream Icons and Minimalist Design: A Match Made in HeavenMinimalism has been a popular design trend for several years now, and it shows no signs of slowing down. The beauty of minimalist design lies in its simplicity and elegance. It strips away all the unnecessary elements and focuses on the essentials. Cream icons are a perfect fit for minimalist design as they embody the same principles of simplicity and elegance.Minimalist design is all about creating a cohesive and streamlined look, and cream icons can play a vital role in achieving this. They can help tie together your app collection and create a sense of unity. When used in conjunction with minimalist design elements such as clean lines, sans-serif fonts, and white space, cream icons can create a visually stunning and cohesive user interface.The Psychology of Cream: Why This Color is Perceived as Elegant and SophisticatedColor psychology plays an important role in design, marketing, and branding. Different colors evoke different emotions and associations in people's minds. Cream, for example, is often associated with elegance, sophistication, and luxury. It is a color that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.Cream is also a warm color, which means it can create a sense of comfort and familiarity. It is often used in interior design to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. In the context of app icons, cream can create a sense of trust and reliability. It is a color that suggests stability and longevity.Creating a Cohesive Look: How Cream Icons Can Tie Together Your App CollectionOne of the challenges of designing an app collection is creating a cohesive look that ties all the apps together. This can be particularly challenging if each app has a different theme or design. Cream icons can help overcome this challenge by creating a unifying element that ties all the apps together.When all the icons in your app collection have a similar cream color, they create a sense of harmony and balance. This can make it easier for users to identify your apps and navigate through them. Cream icons can also help create a more professional and polished look for your app collection.The Versatility of Cream: How It Can Complement Both Light and Dark ThemesAnother advantage of cream icons is their versatility. They can complement both light and dark themes, which means they can be used in a wide range of app designs. Cream icons can create a subtle contrast against a dark background, making them stand out without being too distracting. They can also create a soft and elegant look against a light background.Moreover, cream icons can be used in conjunction with other colors to create a more visually interesting design. For example, cream and navy blue can create a nautical theme, while cream and gold can create a luxurious and glamorous look.Cream Icons and Accessibility: Why They Are Easier on the Eyes for Some UsersAccessibility is an important consideration when designing app icons. Not all users have perfect vision, and bright and flashy colors can be particularly difficult for some users to see. Cream icons, on the other hand, are easier on the eyes as they create less visual strain.Cream icons can be particularly useful for users with visual impairments or color blindness. They can make it easier for these users to identify specific apps and navigate through them. Moreover, cream icons can create a more inclusive and welcoming user interface.The Impact of Texture: How Cream Icons Can Add Depth and Dimension to Your ScreenTexture is an important element in design as it can add depth and dimension to your screen. Cream icons can be designed in various textures, such as matte, glossy, or metallic. These textures can create a more tactile and immersive user experience.For example, a cream icon with a matte texture can create a more subdued and subtle look, while a cream icon with a metallic texture can create a more glam and luxurious look. Texture can also help highlight the different elements of the icon, making it easier for users to identify the app.Cream Icons in Branding: How They Can Enhance Your App's Identity and RecognitionBranding is an essential aspect of app design as it helps create a unique identity and recognition for your app. Cream icons can play a significant role in enhancing your app's branding. They can create a sense of elegance and sophistication that resonates with your target audience.Moreover, cream icons can help create a consistent look and feel for your app across different platforms and devices. This can make it easier for users to recognize your app and build brand loyalty. A well-designed cream icon can become a visual representation of your app's identity and values.The Power of Contrast: How Cream Icons Can Make Your App Stand Out Among CompetitorsIn a competitive app marketplace, it is essential to create an app that stands out from the crowd. Cream icons can help achieve this by creating a subtle contrast against bright and bold app icons. When placed alongside other app icons, cream icons can create a sense of sophistication and elegance that makes your app stand out.Moreover, cream icons can be used to highlight specific features or elements of your app. For example, a cream icon with a subtle gradient can draw attention to a specific button or menu item. This can create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for the user.Cream Icons and Nostalgia: Why This Classic Color Choice Can Evoke Feelings of Comfort and FamiliarityFinally, cream icons can evoke feelings of comfort and familiarity. Cream is a classic color choice that has been used in design for centuries. It is a color that has stood the test of time and remains relevant today. Cream icons can create a sense of nostalgia that resonates with users of all ages.Moreover, cream icons can help create a more timeless and enduring design. They are less likely to become dated or irrelevant over time, which means your app can maintain its appeal and relevance for longer.ConclusionIn conclusion, cream colored app icons have numerous advantages that make them a valuable addition to any app collection. They can create a cohesive and elegant look, enhance accessibility, evoke feelings of nostalgia, and stand out in a sea of bright colors. They can also complement both light and dark themes, add depth and dimension to your screen, enhance your app's branding, and make your app stand out among competitors. Cream icons are a versatile and timeless design choice that can help create a more user-friendly and visually appealing app experience.

The Pros and Cons of Cream Colored App Icons

Point of View

As a designer, I believe that cream colored app icons can be a beautiful and sophisticated choice for any application. However, there are also practical considerations to take into account when using this color scheme.


1. Soft and Elegant: Cream colored app icons can convey elegance, sophistication, and a sense of calmness. They are the perfect choice for applications that want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

2. Timeless: Unlike some trendy color schemes, cream is a classic color that has been used for centuries. It is a safe choice that will never go out of style.

3. Versatile: Cream can be paired with almost any other color, making it a versatile choice for app icons. It can be used to create a calming effect when paired with blue or green, or a pop of color when paired with red or purple.


1. Lack of Contrast: Cream is a light color that can be difficult to see against a white background. This lack of contrast can make it hard for users to find your app on their device.

2. Too Subtle: Some users may find cream colored app icons too subtle or boring. They may prefer more vibrant and eye-catching colors to grab their attention.

3. Cultural Differences: Cream may not be a universally appealing color. In some cultures, it may be associated with mourning or sadness, which could turn off potential users.


In conclusion, cream colored app icons can be a great choice for designers who want to create a calm and sophisticated atmosphere. However, it's important to consider the practicalities of using this color scheme, such as low contrast and cultural differences. Ultimately, the choice of color should be based on the goals and target audience of the app.

Cream Colored App Icons: A Classic Touch to Your Home Screen

Thank you for taking the time to read about the beauty and elegance that cream colored app icons can bring to your mobile device. We hope that you have found this article informative and useful in your journey towards creating a personalized and stylish home screen.

As we have discussed, cream colored app icons are a timeless choice that can add a touch of sophistication and refinement to any mobile device. Whether you are looking to create a minimalist aesthetic or simply want to switch up your home screen from the standard black and white icons, cream colored app icons are a great option.

If you are someone who enjoys a cohesive and organized home screen, cream colored icons can help you achieve that look. By having all of your app icons in the same color scheme, it creates a sense of harmony and unity that can be pleasing to the eye.

Additionally, cream colored app icons can be a great way to showcase your personal style and creativity. With the ability to customize your icons, you can choose from a variety of designs and patterns to make your home screen truly unique.

One thing to keep in mind when using cream colored app icons is to make sure they are easily distinguishable from one another. With a monochromatic color scheme, it can be easy for icons to blend together and become indistinguishable. To combat this, consider using different shades of cream or incorporating accents of other colors to help differentiate between apps.

Another potential drawback of using cream colored app icons is that they may not be as recognizable as the standard black and white icons. This can be especially true for apps that rely on their icon for brand recognition. However, with the increasing popularity of customizing home screens, more and more apps are releasing their own cream colored icons for users to download.

Overall, cream colored app icons are a stylish and sophisticated choice for anyone looking to customize their home screen. With endless possibilities for customization and a classic, timeless aesthetic, they are sure to add a touch of elegance to any mobile device.

We hope that this article has inspired you to try out cream colored app icons on your own home screen. Whether you are a minimalist or a maximalist, there is a way to incorporate this classic color into your design. So go ahead and give it a try – we think you’ll love the results!

As always, thank you for reading and happy customizing!

People Also Ask About Cream Colored App Icons

What are cream colored app icons?

Cream colored app icons are app icons that have a light, neutral color similar to the shade of cream. These icons are often used by designers to create a more cohesive and elegant look for their device's home screen.

How can I get cream colored app icons on my phone?

There are a few ways to get cream colored app icons on your phone:

  1. Download a custom icon pack from the app store that includes cream colored icons
  2. Use an app like Icon Themer or Shortcuts to customize your app icons with your own images, including cream colored ones
  3. Manually change each app icon to a cream colored one by finding or creating the image yourself

Why do people prefer cream colored app icons?

People prefer cream colored app icons for a variety of reasons, including:

  • They offer a more subtle and elegant look compared to bright or bold colored icons
  • They create a more cohesive and organized appearance for the home screen
  • They can complement a variety of wallpaper styles and colors

Are there any downsides to using cream colored app icons?

While cream colored app icons can be visually pleasing, some downsides include:

  • They may not be as easy to distinguish from one another compared to brightly colored icons
  • They may not stand out as much on a busy or cluttered home screen
  • They may not match the branding or style of certain apps