Get Ready to Laugh and Find Love with SNL's Settle Dating App


SNL's Settle Dating App helps you lower your standards and find love with someone who is just okay. Hilarious sketches guaranteed.

Saturday Night Live has been known for its iconic sketches that have made us laugh for decades. And now, they have taken their comedic talents to the world of online dating with their latest creation – the SNL Settle Dating App. This app promises to be the answer to all your dating woes, but is it really worth it?

First and foremost, let's talk about the concept of the app. Settle is designed to help you find the perfect partner by encouraging you to lower your standards. Yes, you read that right – Settle wants you to settle. But is this really a good idea? After all, shouldn't we be looking for someone who truly complements us, rather than just settling for anyone who swipes right on our profile?

Despite its questionable concept, there are some features of Settle that are undeniably appealing. For example, the app offers a unique compatibility test that matches you with potential partners based on your willingness to compromise. This could be a great way to filter out people who aren't on the same page as you when it comes to relationships.

Another interesting feature of Settle is its Dealbreakers section. Here, you can specify certain things that you absolutely cannot tolerate in a partner – whether it's smoking, being rude to waitstaff, or having a terrible sense of humor. This could be a great way to ensure that you're only matching with people who meet your basic standards.

But despite these promising features, there are some serious concerns about the Settle app. For one thing, it seems to promote the idea that settling for someone who isn't quite right for you is better than being single. This could lead to people staying in unhappy relationships simply because they feel like they've already settled.

Furthermore, some critics have pointed out that Settle could be used as a tool for manipulation. After all, if you know that someone is willing to settle for less, you might be more likely to take advantage of them or treat them poorly. This could lead to some seriously unhealthy relationships.

Of course, it's important to remember that Settle is just a joke – albeit a very clever one. The app is actually a parody of the many dating apps out there that promise to find us the perfect match. And in that sense, it's a pretty accurate portrayal of just how ridiculous the world of online dating can be.

So, is Settle worth downloading? Probably not if you're looking for a serious relationship. But if you're in the mood for a good laugh – or if you're just curious about what a dating app designed to make you settle would look like – then it's definitely worth checking out.

All in all, the SNL Settle Dating App is a hilarious take on the world of online dating. While it may not be the best option for those seeking genuine connections, its unique features and tongue-in-cheek humor are sure to provide plenty of entertainment for anyone looking for a good laugh.

The Settle Dating App: A New Way to Find Love?


In today's world, dating has become more complicated than ever. With so many options available, it can be hard to find someone who is truly compatible with you. That's where the Settle dating app comes in. Created by the team behind Saturday Night Live, this app promises to help you find love by encouraging you to settle for less than you deserve. But is settling really the answer to finding happiness?

How It Works

The Settle dating app works by presenting users with potential matches that are less than ideal. Instead of focusing on qualities that are important to you, such as shared interests or values, the app encourages you to settle for someone who may not meet all of your criteria. The idea is that by settling for less, you will be more likely to find a long-term relationship.

The Pros of Settling

One of the main benefits of using the Settle dating app is that it takes the pressure off of finding the perfect match. By encouraging users to settle, the app allows people to focus on building a relationship with someone who may not be their ideal partner on paper. This can lead to more meaningful connections and long-lasting relationships.

The Cons of Settling

While settling may have its benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider. By settling for someone who doesn't meet all of your criteria, you may be missing out on the opportunity to find someone who truly understands and complements you. Additionally, settling could lead to resentment down the line if you feel like you've compromised too much.

The Controversy Surrounding Settle

The Settle dating app has sparked controversy since its launch, with many people questioning whether settling is really the answer to finding love. Some critics argue that the app promotes unhealthy relationship dynamics and could lead to people settling for partners who are abusive or otherwise unsuitable.

The Importance of Self-Worth

One of the main criticisms of the Settle dating app is that it encourages people to undervalue themselves and their worth. In order to build a healthy, fulfilling relationship, it's important to have self-respect and a strong sense of self-worth. Settling for someone who doesn't meet your criteria could lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

The Role of Compatibility in Relationships

Compatibility is a crucial component of any successful relationship. While settling may help you find someone to build a relationship with, it's important to consider whether that person is truly compatible with you. Shared values, interests, and goals are all important factors to consider when looking for a partner.

The Importance of Communication

Communication is key in any relationship, and settling for less than you deserve could lead to communication breakdowns down the line. It's important to be open and honest with your partner about your needs and expectations in order to build a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

The Future of Dating Apps

The Settle dating app is just one example of the many apps that are changing the way we approach dating. As technology continues to evolve, it's likely that we'll see even more changes to the dating landscape in the coming years.


While the Settle dating app may not be for everyone, it's clear that it has sparked an important conversation about what we value in relationships. Whether you decide to settle for less or hold out for your ideal partner, it's important to approach dating with an open mind and a willingness to communicate and compromise. After all, the most important thing is to find someone who makes you happy and treats you with respect and kindness.

The Origins of SNL's Settle Dating App

Saturday Night Live (SNL) is a comedy institution that has been entertaining audiences for over four decades. However, in recent years, the show has expanded its reach beyond television screens and into the world of online dating with the creation of their own dating app, Settle.Settle was first introduced in a sketch on SNL's 40th season, where cast member Vanessa Bayer played the host of a fictional dating show called Next. The sketch poked fun at the idea of settling for someone who may not be your ideal match, leading to the creation of Settle as a real-life dating app.Since its launch, Settle has gained a dedicated following of users who appreciate its unique approach to online dating. With a focus on humor and embracing imperfections, Settle sets itself apart from other dating apps on the market.

The Unique Features of Settle That Set It Apart from Other Dating Apps

One of the most distinctive features of Settle is its embrace of imperfections. Rather than encourage users to present a perfect image of themselves, Settle encourages them to be themselves, quirks and all.For example, Settle has a feature called Dealbreakers, where users can list their dealbreakers upfront. This allows potential matches to see if they would be a good fit before even messaging each other, saving both parties time and disappointment.Another unique feature of Settle is its use of humor. The app includes funny prompts and questions that help users showcase their personalities and sense of humor. This makes conversations more engaging and enjoyable, and helps users find someone who appreciates their sense of humor.

How Settle Uses Humor to Help Users Find Their Perfect Match

Settle's use of humor is a key part of its approach to online dating. By encouraging users to showcase their personalities and sense of humor, Settle creates a more authentic and enjoyable dating experience.For example, Settle prompts users to answer questions like What's your favorite type of cheese? or If you were a vegetable, what would you be? These questions may seem silly, but they help users break the ice and start meaningful conversations.Additionally, Settle uses humor to help users embrace their imperfections. The app encourages users to list their quirks and dealbreakers upfront, which can be a refreshing change from other dating apps that prioritize presenting a perfect image.

The Role of SNL Cast Members in Promoting Settle

As a product of SNL, it's no surprise that Settle has received support from the show's cast members. In fact, several SNL cast members have appeared in promotional videos for the app.One such video features Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon promoting Settle in character as two single women looking for love. The video is funny and relatable, and showcases Settle's unique approach to online dating.Additionally, SNL has used the app as a way to promote their own content. For example, Settle users were able to watch exclusive clips from SNL's 41st season premiere before they aired on television.

Success Stories from Settle Users Who Have Found Love Through the App

Settle may be a comedy app, but it has also helped many users find meaningful relationships. The app's focus on authenticity and embracing imperfections has resonated with users who are tired of superficial dating apps.One couple, Emily and Jake, met through Settle and have been together for over a year. They credit the app's emphasis on humor and honesty for bringing them together and helping them build a strong connection.Another user, Alex, found her current partner through Settle after listing loves dogs as a dealbreaker. Her partner messaged her because he also loves dogs, and the two bonded over their shared passion.

How Settle Encourages Users to Embrace Their Quirks and Imperfections

Settle's focus on authenticity and embracing imperfections is a refreshing change from other dating apps that prioritize presenting a perfect image. By encouraging users to be themselves, Settle creates a more honest and enjoyable dating experience.For example, Settle prompts users to list their quirks and dealbreakers upfront, which helps potential matches see if they would be a good fit before even messaging each other. This saves both parties time and disappointment, and encourages users to embrace their unique qualities.Additionally, Settle has a feature called Flawsome, where users can list a flaw they have that they are proud of. This helps users embrace their imperfections and find someone who appreciates them for who they are.

Settle's Approach to Online Dating Safety and Security

As with any dating app, safety and security are important considerations for Settle. The app takes several measures to ensure that users feel safe and protected while using the platform.For example, Settle requires users to verify their phone numbers before they can start using the app. This helps prevent fake profiles and ensures that users are who they say they are.Additionally, Settle has a feature called Block & Report, which allows users to block or report any users who make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. This feature helps ensure that the app remains a safe and welcoming space for all users.

The Future of Settle: Potential Updates and Improvements

Settle has already made a splash in the world of online dating, but there is still room for growth and improvement. One potential area for expansion is the app's user base. Currently, Settle is only available in the United States, but there is potential for it to expand to other countries in the future.Additionally, Settle could potentially add new features that further emphasize its focus on authenticity and humor. For example, the app could include more funny prompts and questions, or even host virtual comedy events for users.

The Impact of Settle on the Dating App Industry

Settle's unique approach to online dating has already made an impact on the dating app industry. By prioritizing authenticity, humor, and embracing imperfections, Settle has set itself apart from other dating apps that prioritize presenting a perfect image.Additionally, Settle's success demonstrates that there is a demand for dating apps that prioritize humor and authenticity. As more users become disillusioned with superficial dating apps, Settle's approach could become a model for other apps to follow.

The Cultural Significance of SNL's Foray into the World of Online Dating

SNL has been a cultural touchstone for over four decades, and its foray into the world of online dating with Settle is no exception. By creating an app that reflects the show's values of humor and authenticity, SNL has demonstrated its ability to remain relevant and innovative.Additionally, Settle's success shows that there is a demand for entertainment that goes beyond traditional television programming. As more viewers turn to streaming services and online content, SNL's expansion into the world of online dating demonstrates its willingness to adapt to changing cultural trends.In conclusion, SNL's Settle dating app has had a significant impact on the dating app industry. By prioritizing authenticity, humor, and embracing imperfections, Settle has set itself apart from other dating apps and helped many users find meaningful relationships. With potential updates and expansion in the future, Settle could continue to be a major player in the world of online dating.

My Point of View on SNL's Settle Dating App

The Pros of SNL's Settle Dating App

As a comedian, Saturday Night Live has always been one of my favorite shows. So when I heard that they were creating a dating app, I was immediately intrigued. Here are some of the pros of SNL's Settle Dating App:

  1. Unique Concept - The idea of a dating app that encourages settling may seem counterintuitive, but it's actually quite refreshing in a world where everyone is always chasing the next best thing.
  2. Humor - As you'd expect from SNL, the app has plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor that makes it fun to use.
  3. Simplicity - The app is incredibly easy to use and doesn't require much effort or thought.
  4. No Pressure - Since the app is all about settling, there's less pressure to make a perfect match and more room for just getting to know someone.

The Cons of SNL's Settle Dating App

While the app has its strengths, there are also some downsides to consider:

  • Unrealistic Expectations - While the app is meant to encourage settling, it's important to remember that settling shouldn't mean sacrificing your own happiness or values.
  • Potential for Disappointment - Since the app is all about settling, there's a chance you may end up with someone who isn't exactly what you were hoping for.
  • Limited Matches - Since the app is new and not widely used yet, the pool of potential matches may be limited.
  • Lack of Seriousness - While the app is meant to be humorous, it may not be the best option for those looking for a serious relationship.

Overall, I think SNL's Settle Dating App is a fun and unique concept that's worth trying out if you're in the dating game. Just remember to keep your expectations realistic and don't settle for someone who doesn't make you happy.

Thank You For Reading About The SNL Settle Dating App

Thank you for taking the time to read about the SNL Settle dating app. This dating app, while fictional, highlights some very real issues in modern dating culture. It's clear that dating can be overwhelming and disappointing at times, even with the rise of technology making it easier to connect with people.

The SNL Settle dating app may seem like an extreme solution to some, but it's not far-fetched to imagine people settling for less than they deserve just to avoid loneliness or societal pressures. However, settling is never the answer and can lead to unhappiness and regret in the long run.

It's important to remember that everyone deserves to find a partner who makes them happy and fulfills their needs. It may take some time and effort, but the end result is worth it. Don't let the fear of being alone or societal expectations force you into a relationship that isn't right for you.

Instead, focus on your own personal growth and happiness. Take the time to figure out what you truly want in a partner and a relationship. Be honest with yourself and others about your needs and boundaries. And most importantly, don't settle for less than you deserve.

While the SNL Settle dating app may have been created as a joke, it serves as a reminder to take dating seriously and not to compromise on our own happiness. We all deserve to find love and happiness, and settling is never the answer.

So, whether you're single and searching or in a committed relationship, remember to prioritize your own needs and happiness. Don't let societal pressures or fear of being alone force you into settling for less than you deserve.

Thank you again for reading about the SNL Settle dating app. We hope this article has provided some insight and inspiration to help you navigate the world of modern dating.

People Also Ask About SNL Settle Dating App

What is the SNL Settle Dating App?

The SNL Settle Dating App is a fictional dating app created by the writers of Saturday Night Live. It was featured in a sketch on the show in 2018 and pokes fun at the idea of settling for a less-than-perfect partner.

Is the SNL Settle Dating App actually real?

No, the SNL Settle Dating App is not a real dating app. It was created solely for the purpose of the comedy sketch on Saturday Night Live.

What was the SNL Settle Dating App sketch about?

The sketch featured a group of people who were all using the SNL Settle Dating App to find a partner they could settle for, rather than waiting for their perfect match. The app had categories such as Has a job and Just OK sex for users to choose from when searching for potential partners.

Was the SNL Settle Dating App well-received?

The sketch received mixed reviews, with some viewers finding it hilarious and others finding it offensive. Some criticized the app's premise for promoting the idea of settling for less in a relationship.

Are there any real dating apps similar to the SNL Settle Dating App?

While there are no real dating apps that explicitly promote the idea of settling for someone, there are apps that use algorithms to match users based on compatibility rather than just physical appearance. These include eHarmony, OkCupid, and

  • The SNL Settle Dating App is a fictional dating app created by the writers of Saturday Night Live.
  • The app was featured in a sketch on the show in 2018.
  • The sketch pokes fun at the idea of settling for a less-than-perfect partner.
  • The SNL Settle Dating App is not a real dating app.
  • The app had categories such as Has a job and Just OK sex for users to choose from when searching for potential partners.
  • The sketch received mixed reviews, with some viewers finding it hilarious and others finding it offensive.
  • There are no real dating apps that explicitly promote the idea of settling for someone, but there are apps that use algorithms to match users based on compatibility.