Stay Away from the New eBay App: Terrible User Experience and Glitches Galore


The new eBay app is terrible. Users are experiencing numerous glitches, slow loading times, and difficulty navigating the interface.

The new eBay app has been rolled out recently, and it has been nothing short of terrible. The once-beloved online marketplace has now become a nightmare for its users. From slow loading times to technical issues, there is a lot that is going wrong with the new eBay app. It's hard to believe how a company as big as eBay could make such a mess of their app, but unfortunately, it's the reality we are facing. In this article, we will dive deeper into the problems that the new eBay app is causing for its users.

One of the most frustrating issues that users are facing with the new eBay app is the slow loading times. It seems like every time you click on something, the app takes forever to load. This not only wastes the user's time but also makes them lose interest in using the app altogether. It's almost as if the app is purposely trying to slow down the user's experience. For a company that relies so heavily on its mobile app, this is a major problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

Another issue that users are facing with the new eBay app is the technical glitches. The app crashes frequently, sometimes even in the middle of a transaction. This can be extremely frustrating for both buyers and sellers, as it affects their ability to complete transactions smoothly. Imagine being in the middle of bidding on an item, and the app suddenly crashes, causing you to lose out on the auction. This has happened to many users, and it's unacceptable.

To add insult to injury, the new eBay app has also made it difficult for users to find what they are looking for. The search function is confusing and often leads to irrelevant results. This is a major setback for sellers who rely on the app to sell their items. If potential buyers can't find what they are looking for, they will move on to a different platform. This is bad news for eBay, as it means they are losing customers and revenue.

The new eBay app also seems to be lacking in the area of security. There have been reports of accounts being hacked and personal information being compromised. This is a major concern for users who entrust eBay with their sensitive information. It's hard to trust a company that can't even keep its own app secure.

In addition to these issues, the new eBay app also lacks some of the features that users have come to expect. For example, the app no longer allows users to leave feedback for sellers. This is a major setback for sellers who rely on positive feedback to build their reputation on the platform. Without this feature, it will be harder for sellers to attract new buyers and make sales.

Furthermore, the user interface of the new eBay app is confusing and difficult to navigate. It's almost as if eBay tried to fix something that wasn't broken. The old app was much easier to use and had a more intuitive design. This new app seems to be trying too hard to be modern and cutting-edge, but it's failing miserably.

Another problem with the new eBay app is the lack of customer support. When users encounter issues with the app, it's hard to find a way to get help. The customer support section of the app is buried deep within the settings, making it difficult to find. Even when users do reach out to customer support, the response time is slow, and the solutions provided are often inadequate.

It's clear that the new eBay app has been a major disappointment for its users. From slow loading times to technical glitches, there is a lot that needs to be fixed. eBay needs to listen to its users' feedback and take action to improve the app. If they don't, they risk losing their loyal customer base to other online marketplaces.

In conclusion, the new eBay app is terrible. It's slow, glitchy, and lacks many of the features that users have come to expect. The user interface is confusing, and the app's security is questionable. eBay needs to make major improvements to the app if they want to retain their customers and stay competitive in the online marketplace industry.

The New eBay App: A Terrible User Experience

If you're an avid eBay user, you may have noticed the recent updates to their app. Unfortunately, these changes have left many users feeling frustrated and disappointed. Here are just a few of the reasons why the new eBay app is a terrible user experience.

Cluttered Homepage

One of the first things you'll notice about the new eBay app is its cluttered homepage. Instead of having a clean and organized layout like the previous version, the new app bombards you with a mishmash of items in various categories. It's overwhelming and difficult to navigate, making it hard to find what you're looking for.

Unintuitive Search Functionality

Speaking of finding what you're looking for, the search functionality in the new eBay app is severely lacking. It's not intuitive at all, and it's easy to get lost in a sea of irrelevant results. Even when you do find what you're looking for, the filtering options are limited and confusing, making it difficult to narrow down your search.

Slow Loading Times

If you're used to the lightning-fast loading times of the previous eBay app, you're in for a rude awakening with the new version. Pages take much longer to load, even on a strong internet connection. This can be frustrating when you're trying to quickly browse listings or make a purchase.

Confusing Checkout Process

Once you've found an item you want to buy, the checkout process in the new eBay app is confusing and frustrating. It's not clear which steps you need to take to complete your purchase, and navigating back and forth between screens is a headache. Plus, the payment options are limited and often don't work properly.

Unreliable Notifications

If you're used to receiving notifications for eBay activity on your phone, you may be disappointed with the new app's notification system. It's unreliable at best, often failing to send notifications for things like bids, messages, and purchases. This can make it difficult to keep track of your eBay activity and respond in a timely manner.

Poor Seller Tools

If you're a seller on eBay, the new app is even more frustrating. The seller tools are clunky and difficult to use, making it hard to manage your listings and communicate with buyers. Plus, the listing process itself is much more complicated than it used to be, which can deter sellers from using the app altogether.

Buggy Performance

Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the new eBay app is its buggy performance. It crashes frequently, freezes up, and often fails to load pages altogether. This can be incredibly frustrating when you're trying to make a purchase or manage your account, and it's a major reason why many users are abandoning the app altogether.

Lack of Customization

Finally, the new eBay app is severely lacking in customization options. You can't customize your homepage or search results, and there's no way to tailor the app to your specific needs as a buyer or seller. This makes it feel impersonal and generic, which is a major turnoff for many users.

The Bottom Line

Overall, the new eBay app is a terrible user experience that's driving many users away from the platform. Its cluttered homepage, unintuitive search functionality, slow loading times, confusing checkout process, unreliable notifications, poor seller tools, buggy performance, and lack of customization options all contribute to a frustrating and unpleasant experience. If you're an eBay user, it may be time to look for alternatives until the app can be fixed.

The new eBay app has been touted as a significant improvement over the previous version. However, many users are finding that it falls far short of their expectations. The app is plagued with several issues that make it difficult to use and often frustrating for buyers. From clunky user interface to slow loading times, glitches and bugs, limited search functionality, poor product descriptions, inadequate seller information, limited payment options, lack of personalization, confusing checkout process, and poor customer support, there is no shortage of problems with the new eBay app.

Clunky User Interface

One of the most significant issues with the new eBay app is its clunky user interface. The app's design feels outdated, and the layout is confusing, making it challenging to navigate. Users have reported that it takes time to figure out where things are and how to access different features. The app has too many menus, submenus, and buttons, which makes it feel cluttered and overwhelming. This issue makes it hard for new users to get started and creates a steep learning curve for anyone who wants to use the app regularly.

Slow Loading Times

Another significant issue with the new eBay app is its slow loading times. Users have reported that the app takes forever to load, making browsing and shopping on eBay a frustrating experience. The slow loading times can be attributed to several factors, including a bloated app size, poor server performance, and a lack of optimization. These issues cause the app to lag and freeze frequently, making it difficult to use. Many users have reported that they have given up trying to use the app due to its slow loading times.

Glitches and Bugs

The new eBay app is riddled with glitches and bugs, causing items to disappear or crash unexpectedly. Users have reported issues with the app crashing, freezing, or shutting down entirely. In some cases, items that were in a user's cart disappeared after they had added them, causing frustration and confusion. Other users have reported issues with the app failing to load images or displaying incorrect information about products. These glitches and bugs make the app unreliable and unpredictable, which can be frustrating for buyers.

Limited Search Functionality

The new search function on the eBay app is limited and often returns irrelevant results, making it hard to find what you're looking for. Users have reported that the app's search function is not as accurate as it used to be, and it often returns irrelevant results. This issue makes it difficult for users to find what they're looking for, especially if they're searching for something specific. The limited search functionality is a significant drawback for anyone who wants to use the app to shop on eBay regularly.

Poor Product Descriptions

Many product descriptions on the new eBay app are incomplete or inaccurate, leaving buyers unsure about what they're purchasing. Users have reported that the product descriptions on the app are not as detailed as they used to be, which makes it hard to know precisely what you're buying. In some cases, the descriptions are entirely missing critical information, such as size or color, making it impossible to make an informed purchase. This issue can lead to buyers receiving products that do not meet their expectations, resulting in returns and refunds.

Inadequate Seller Information

The seller information provided on the new eBay app is often incomplete or hard to find, leaving buyers unsure about who they're buying from. Users have reported that the seller information is not as comprehensive as it used to be and that it can be challenging to find relevant information about a particular seller. This issue can lead to buyers feeling uncertain about the reliability of a seller, making them hesitant to make a purchase. The inadequate seller information is a significant drawback for anyone who wants to use the app to buy and sell on eBay.

Limited Payment Options

The new eBay app only accepts a limited number of payment options, making it difficult for some buyers to make purchases. Users have reported that the app's payment options are not as comprehensive as they used to be, which can make it challenging for buyers who prefer to use certain payment methods. This issue can lead to buyers being unable to make a purchase or having to use a payment method they're uncomfortable with. The limited payment options are a significant drawback for anyone who wants to use the app to buy and sell on eBay.

Lack of Personalization

The new eBay app no longer offers personalized recommendations or suggestions, making it harder to discover new products. Users have reported that the app's lack of personalization is a significant drawback, as it is harder to find products they may be interested in. The previous version of the app offered personalized recommendations based on a user's browsing history and purchase behavior, but this feature is missing from the new version. The lack of personalization makes it harder for users to find new products they may like, which can be frustrating for anyone who wants to use the app to shop on eBay regularly.

Confusing Checkout Process

The checkout process on the new eBay app is confusing and difficult to navigate, leading to abandoned carts and lost sales. Users have reported that the checkout process is not as straightforward as it used to be, and it can be hard to know what steps to take next. In some cases, users have reported that they were unable to complete a purchase due to issues with the checkout process. This issue can lead to buyers abandoning their carts and going elsewhere to make a purchase, resulting in lost sales for sellers.

Poor Customer Support

Customer support on the new eBay app is slow to respond and often unhelpful, leaving buyers feeling frustrated and unsupported. Users have reported issues with the app, such as missing items or transactions, but have found it challenging to get in touch with customer support. In some cases, users have reported that they received unhelpful or generic responses from customer support, which did not resolve their issues. This issue can lead to buyers feeling unsupported and frustrated, which can damage eBay's reputation and discourage users from using the app.


In conclusion, the new eBay app has several issues that make it difficult to use and often frustrating for buyers. From clunky user interface to slow loading times, glitches and bugs, limited search functionality, poor product descriptions, inadequate seller information, limited payment options, lack of personalization, confusing checkout process, and poor customer support, there is no shortage of problems with the new eBay app. These issues can lead to lost sales for sellers and frustration for buyers, making it imperative that eBay addresses these issues as soon as possible.

My Point of View about the New eBay App Terrible

Pros of the New eBay App Terrible

1. The interface of the new eBay app is modern and attractive.

2. The app is easy to navigate, and the search function is more intuitive than before.

3. Some users find the new layout more visually appealing than the previous version.

Cons of the New eBay App Terrible

1. The new eBay app is slower and lags frequently, which can be frustrating for users.

2. The app has been plagued with bugs since its release, making it difficult for users to complete transactions.

3. Some users feel that the new design is cluttered and confusing, with too many options and buttons on the screen at once.

Overall Impression

In my opinion, the new eBay app is a step backward. While the interface is more attractive and easier to navigate, the app's sluggishness and frequent bugs make it frustrating to use. Additionally, the cluttered design can be overwhelming, especially for new users. Hopefully, eBay will address these issues in future updates and make the app more user-friendly.

Why the New eBay App is Terrible: A Warning to All Users

Dear valued visitors,

We are writing to you today to warn you about the new eBay app that has recently been released. As avid eBay users ourselves, we were excited to try out the new features promised by the update. However, after using the app for several weeks, we can confidently say that it is terrible and should be avoided at all costs.

First and foremost, the new eBay app is incredibly slow. We found ourselves waiting for pages to load for minutes on end, which is not only frustrating but also wastes valuable time. This is especially problematic when trying to bid on auctions or make purchases in a time-sensitive manner.

In addition to its sluggishness, the new eBay app is also riddled with bugs and glitches. We experienced numerous crashes and freezes while using the app, which often resulted in lost progress or incomplete transactions. These issues can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming to deal with.

Another major issue with the new eBay app is its lack of user-friendliness. The layout and navigation are confusing and unintuitive, making it difficult to find the information you need or complete tasks such as placing bids or managing your account. This can be especially problematic for newer eBay users who may not be familiar with the platform or its processes.

Furthermore, the new eBay app seems to have removed many of the helpful features that were available in previous versions. For example, we were disappointed to find that the app no longer offers detailed item descriptions or seller ratings, both of which are important factors in making informed purchasing decisions on eBay.

Overall, we cannot recommend the new eBay app to any of our readers. Its slow performance, frequent bugs, poor user-friendliness, and lack of helpful features make it a frustrating and time-consuming experience. We urge you to stick with the previous version of the app or use eBay's website instead.

Thank you for taking the time to read our warning about the new eBay app. We hope that our experiences can help you make informed decisions about how to use the platform in the future.


The Team at [Blog Name]

People Also Ask About New eBay App Terrible

What is the new eBay app?

The new eBay app is an updated version of the online marketplace's mobile application. It features a new design, improved search functionality, and personalized recommendations for users.

Why do people think the new eBay app is terrible?

Some users have reported issues with the new eBay app, including slow loading times, difficulty navigating the interface, and glitches with the search function. Others have criticized the app for being cluttered and difficult to use.

Can I still use the old eBay app?

No, eBay has discontinued support for the old app and users are encouraged to download and use the new version.

Is eBay doing anything to address the issues with the new app?

Yes, eBay has stated that they are working to address user feedback and improve the app's performance. They have also released several updates since the initial launch to address bugs and improve functionality.

Should I try the new eBay app despite the negative reviews?

It's ultimately up to you, but many users have reported positive experiences with the new app as well. It may be worth trying out and seeing if it meets your needs and preferences.

  • Overall, while some users have reported issues with the new eBay app, others have had positive experiences with it.
  • eBay is working to address user feedback and improve the app's performance.
  • The old eBay app is no longer supported, so users must switch to the new version.
  • Ultimately, it's up to individuals to decide whether or not to try the new app based on their own needs and preferences.