Walmart's Latest App Update Fails to Impress: Customers Report Terrible Experience


Walmart's latest app update is a total disaster! Users report glitches, crashes, and other issues that make shopping a nightmare. Avoid it at all costs.

The Walmart app has been a go-to for many shoppers looking for convenience and affordable prices. However, the recent update to the app has left many customers frustrated and disappointed. From glitches to slow loading times, the new version of the Walmart app is nothing but terrible. In this article, we will explore in detail the various issues with the updated app and how it has impacted users' shopping experience. Brace yourself for an eye-opening read on the downside of the Walmart app's latest version.

Firstly, the loading time of the Walmart app has become unbearably slow since the update. Customers are forced to wait for ages before the app opens, making the shopping experience tedious and frustrating. This issue is particularly frustrating for shoppers who are used to the previous version of the app, which was much faster. As a result, many customers have resorted to alternative shopping platforms that offer quicker access and easier navigation.

In addition to the slow loading times, the updated Walmart app has also been prone to glitches that have negatively affected the overall shopping experience. Customers have reported issues like the app shutting down unexpectedly or freezing, causing them to lose their progress. Such glitches have resulted in a loss of trust in the app, as customers fear losing their shopping carts or payment details in the middle of a transaction.

Furthermore, the new version of the Walmart app has made it harder for customers to find what they are looking for. The app's search function has become less accurate, often providing irrelevant results that waste customers' time. Additionally, some shoppers have reported that the product categories on the app are confusing and unclear, making it difficult to navigate and find specific items.

Another significant issue with the updated Walmart app is its checkout process. Many customers have complained that the checkout process has become more complicated, with unnecessary steps that lengthen the time it takes to complete a purchase. Some shoppers have even reported being unable to complete their transactions due to technical errors, resulting in frustration and lost sales for Walmart.

Despite the numerous negative reviews and complaints from customers, Walmart has not yet addressed the issues with the updated app. This lack of communication has fueled frustration among shoppers who feel that their concerns are being ignored. As a result, many customers have expressed their intention to switch to other retailers who offer more reliable and user-friendly shopping apps.

In conclusion, the update to the Walmart app has been a significant disappointment for customers who were expecting a better and more efficient shopping experience. From slow loading times to glitches and confusing navigation, the new version of the app has left much to be desired. Walmart must address these issues promptly and provide solutions to restore customer trust and loyalty. Otherwise, the company risks losing its customer base to competitors who offer better shopping experiences.


Walmart is one of the biggest retail companies in the world, providing a wide range of products to customers at affordable prices. In recent years, Walmart has been focusing on digital transformation and has introduced several new features to its app, such as grocery ordering and pickup, mobile payment options, and more. However, with the latest update, many customers are finding the Walmart app to be terrible.

Issues with the Latest Update

The recent Walmart app update has been causing a lot of frustration for customers. Many users have reported issues with the app crashing, freezing, or not working at all. Some customers have also complained about the slow loading times and difficulty in navigating the app. This has made it challenging for customers to find what they need or complete transactions.

Crashing and Freezing

One of the most significant issues that customers are experiencing with the Walmart app is crashing and freezing. Many users have reported that the app crashes or freezes when they try to open it or complete a transaction. This can be frustrating, especially if you are in the middle of making a purchase or trying to find a specific item.

Slow Loading Times

Another issue that customers are facing with the Walmart app is slow loading times. The app takes a long time to load, making it difficult for customers to navigate and find what they need. This can be especially problematic if you are in a hurry or need to make a quick purchase.

Difficulty Navigating the App

Customers have also reported difficulty in navigating the Walmart app after the latest update. Some users have found it challenging to find specific items or departments, while others have struggled with completing transactions. This can be frustrating, especially if you are new to using the app or have limited experience with online shopping.

Customer Feedback

Many Walmart customers have taken to social media to express their frustration with the latest app update. Some users have described the app as unusable, while others have said that it is terrible and disappointing. Many customers have also expressed their disappointment with Walmart's customer service, stating that they have not received adequate support in resolving their issues with the app.

Unhappy Customers

Walmart's customers are not happy with the recent app update. Many have expressed their frustration on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, stating that the app is difficult to use and unreliable. Some customers have even said that they will no longer shop at Walmart because of the app's poor performance.

Poor Customer Service

In addition to the app's technical issues, customers have also expressed their disappointment with Walmart's customer service. Many users have reported that they have not received adequate support in resolving their issues with the app. This can be frustrating, especially if you are experiencing problems with the app and need assistance.


The recent Walmart app update has caused a lot of frustration for customers. The app's technical issues, slow loading times, and difficulty in navigating have made it challenging for customers to complete transactions and find what they need. Additionally, customers have expressed their disappointment with Walmart's customer service, stating that they have not received adequate support in resolving their issues with the app. It remains to be seen whether Walmart will address these concerns and improve the app's performance to meet the needs of its customers.

Navigation Issues: How the Latest Walmart App Update Has Made Shopping More Difficult

Walmart is a giant in the retail industry, known for providing affordable products to customers. The company has been trying to keep up with the digital age by introducing an app that allows customers to shop online and access various features, such as the store locator, price scanner, and product reviews. However, the latest update to the Walmart app has caused more trouble than convenience.

The navigation issues are perhaps the most glaring problem with the updated app. Customers have reported difficulties in finding what they need due to the new layout and navigation system. For instance, the search bar is now located at the bottom of the screen, which can be confusing. In addition, some items are now harder to find, and the categories are not as clear as they used to be.

What was once a straightforward and user-friendly app has become a maze of confusion for shoppers. The navigation issues alone are enough to drive customers away from the Walmart app and towards other retailers who offer a more seamless shopping experience.

Slow Loading Times: How the Latest Walmart App Update Has Created More Frustration for Users

In today's fast-paced world, no one has time to wait for an app to load. Unfortunately, the latest update to the Walmart app has made it painfully slow to use. Customers have reported long loading times when trying to access different parts of the app, such as the product pages or their shopping cart.

This slow loading can be frustrating, especially for customers who are trying to make a purchase quickly. It can also lead to customers abandoning their shopping carts and turning to other retailers for faster service.

Slow loading times are not only inconvenient but also a sign of poor optimization. Walmart needs to address this issue and find a way to make their app more efficient. If they don't, they risk losing customers who are looking for a faster and more streamlined shopping experience.

Glitches and Bugs: Why the Latest Walmart App Update is Causing More Headaches Than Ever

The latest Walmart app update has brought with it a host of glitches and bugs that are frustrating customers. For example, some customers have reported issues with the app crashing or freezing during use. Others have reported problems with the app not updating their shopping cart correctly or displaying incorrect prices.

These glitches and bugs can be incredibly frustrating for customers, as they disrupt the shopping experience and can lead to lost time and money. They also show that Walmart may not have thoroughly tested the app before releasing it to the public.

Walmart needs to take these issues seriously and work quickly to fix them. Customers expect a seamless and error-free shopping experience, and Walmart risks losing their trust if they can't provide that.

User Unfriendly: How the Latest Walmart App Update is Making Life Harder for Customers

The latest Walmart app update has made the app less user-friendly than ever before. In addition to the navigation issues, slow loading times, and glitches, customers have reported other problems with the app. For example, some customers have reported difficulty in adding items to their shopping cart, while others have had trouble checking out.

This lack of user-friendliness can be frustrating for customers and can lead to lost sales for Walmart. Customers expect a simple and straightforward shopping experience, and Walmart needs to deliver on that expectation. If they can't, they risk losing customers to other retailers who offer a better user experience.

Poor User Experience: How the Latest Walmart App Update is Driving Customers Away

The poor user experience of the latest Walmart app update is driving customers away from the app and towards other retailers. Customers who have had trouble navigating, loading, and using the app are turning to other retailers who offer a better online shopping experience.

This is a significant problem for Walmart, as they risk losing customers who have been loyal to them for years. The app was designed to make shopping easier and more convenient for customers, but the latest update has had the opposite effect.

Walmart needs to take immediate action to address these issues and improve the user experience of their app. If they don't, they risk losing even more customers and damaging their reputation in the retail industry.

Lost Features: Why the Latest Walmart App Update is Taking Away from the User Experience

In addition to the problems with navigation, loading times, and glitches, the latest Walmart app update has taken away some features that customers found useful. For example, the ability to scan an item's barcode and see its price and availability in-store has been removed.

These lost features may seem small, but they can make a big difference in the overall user experience. Customers who relied on these features are now frustrated and may turn to other retailers who offer similar features.

Walmart needs to listen to its customers and bring back the features that they found useful. If they don't, they risk losing even more customers and damaging their reputation as a customer-focused retailer.

Customer Complaints: How the Latest Walmart App Update is Causing a Backlash

The problems with the latest Walmart app update have not gone unnoticed by customers. In fact, many customers have taken to social media and other platforms to voice their complaints about the app.

The customer complaints range from frustration with the navigation to anger at the lost features. Customers are also upset about the glitches and bugs that make the app difficult to use.

Walmart needs to take these complaints seriously and address them quickly. Customers who feel ignored or dismissed are likely to turn to other retailers who offer a better shopping experience.

Technical Difficulties: How the Latest Walmart App Update is Creating More Problems Than Solutions

The latest Walmart app update has created more problems than solutions. The technical difficulties with the app have made shopping more difficult and frustrating for customers.

Walmart needs to invest in better technology and testing to ensure that their app is optimized for all users. They also need to listen to customer feedback and make changes accordingly. If they don't, they risk falling behind other retailers who are investing in their online shopping experience.

Negative Feedback: Why the Latest Walmart App Update is Getting Terrible Reviews

The negative feedback surrounding the latest Walmart app update is causing terrible reviews for the app. Customers who have had a bad experience with the app are leaving negative reviews on various platforms, which can damage Walmart's reputation as a retailer.

Walmart needs to take these reviews seriously and work to improve the app. They also need to engage with customers who leave negative feedback and try to resolve their issues. If they don't, they risk losing even more customers and damaging their brand image.

Disappointing Performance: How the Latest Walmart App Update is Failing its Users

The disappointing performance of the latest Walmart app update is failing its users. Customers who rely on the app for their shopping needs are being let down by the poor user experience, navigation issues, slow loading times, and glitches.

Walmart needs to take responsibility for the problems with the app and work to improve the user experience. They also need to communicate with their customers and let them know that they are working on fixing the issues. If they don't, they risk losing customers and damaging their reputation in the retail industry.


The latest Walmart app update has caused more trouble than convenience for customers. The navigation issues, slow loading times, glitches, lost features, and poor user experience have created frustration and disappointment among users. Walmart needs to take immediate action to address these issues and improve the app's performance. If they don't, they risk losing customers and damaging their reputation as a customer-focused retailer.

Walmart App Update Terrible: A User's Point of View

Pros of Walmart App Update Terrible

1. The updated app has a more modern and visually appealing design.

2. It provides better organization of product categories, allowing for easier navigation.

3. The app now includes a store mode option that displays a map of the store and helps users navigate to specific products.

Cons of Walmart App Update Terrible

1. The app is slower and often crashes or freezes during use.

2. The new design is not intuitive and can be confusing for long-time users of the app.

3. The search function is less accurate, often displaying irrelevant or incorrect results.

Overall, the Walmart app update may have had good intentions, but the execution was poor. While it offers some improvements, the technical issues and design flaws outweigh the positives. Hopefully, Walmart will take user feedback into consideration and make necessary changes to improve the app's functionality and user experience.

Closing Message: Beware of the Terrible Walmart App Update

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about the recent Walmart app update. We hope that it has provided you with valuable insights into the issues that users are facing with the new version of the app and the impact it is having on their shopping experience.

If you are a regular user of the Walmart app, we urge you to exercise caution when updating to the latest version. Based on the feedback we have received from users across the country, it appears that the update is causing significant problems for many people.

While Walmart has acknowledged some of the issues and is working to address them, it is clear that there are still many bugs and glitches that need to be resolved. In the meantime, we recommend that you hold off on updating your app until the issues have been fully resolved.

For those who have already updated and are experiencing problems, we encourage you to reach out to Walmart support for assistance. They have a dedicated team working around the clock to help users troubleshoot their issues and find solutions.

It's worth noting that not all users are experiencing problems with the update, and some are even reporting improvements in their shopping experience. However, the overall consensus seems to be that the update has caused more harm than good.

As consumers, we have the power to make our voices heard and influence change. If you are unhappy with the Walmart app update and its impact on your shopping experience, we encourage you to leave a review or reach out to Walmart directly to share your feedback.

In conclusion, while the Walmart app can be a convenient tool for shopping and saving money, it is important to be aware of the potential issues that can arise with updates. We hope that this article has helped you make an informed decision about whether or not to update your app, and we will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

Thank you for reading, and we wish you happy and hassle-free shopping!

People Also Ask About Walmart App Update Terrible

Why is the Walmart App Update Terrible?

The Walmart App Update is considered terrible because it has been causing several issues, including:

  • Crashing frequently
  • Not loading properly
  • Incorrect pricing information

Is Walmart aware of the issues with the App Update?

Yes, Walmart is aware of the issues with the App Update. They have released a statement acknowledging the problem and are working on resolving the issues as quickly as possible.

How can I fix the problems with the Walmart App Update?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fixing the problems with the Walmart App Update. However, some users have had success by:

  1. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app
  2. Clearing the cache and data
  3. Updating their device's operating system

Can I still use the Walmart App?

Despite the issues with the App Update, you can still use the Walmart App. However, be aware that you may encounter some problems until the issues are resolved.